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Software solutions that give your data a high powered tune-up.


Our Mission
Software Tools
Product Snapshots
Access Training
VB Training
Office Automation
DataLeverage  is dedicated to streamlining office functions through office automation.  Our business solutions will save your company money by eliminating repeated task and functions.  Our systems allow you to access business data quickly and efficiently.
Microsoft Access 2002 (XP)
The newest and one of the quickest way to get data on the we.  What are the advantages and pitfalls of using Access XP.  
Microsoft Access 2000
Microsoft Access 2000 is a rapid development database system.  With this cost effective environment your business information can be readily available to company personal.  Check out our notes on upgrading.. Converting to Access 2000
Visual Basic and SQL Server
Visual Basic and SQL Server are cost effective client/server development tools.  Need information using the Web?  These tool get you results. 

For further information call:  (617)739-9925 
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